कास रोग / cough /खाँसी in Ayurveda
DEFINATION: कसनात्कास उच्यते। The disease in which Pran Vayu comes out forcefully from the throat by making specific noise similar to broken vessel of Kansya which is known as ‘Kasa’. SAMANYA NIDANA: धूमोपघताद्रजसस्तथैव व्यायामरुक्षाननिवेवणाच । विमार्गगत्वादपि भोजनस्य वेगावरोधात् क्षवथोस्तथैव ॥ ( सु.उ.त. 52/4 ) •Dhoomopaghata ( inhalation of smoke , dust from nose or mouth ) •Vyayam •Ruksha anna sevana •Vimarga gaman of food ( food particles entering the wrong passage ) •Vegavarodhata kshavatho ( suppression of sneezing reflex ) SAMPRAPTI: Nidan sevana | Vayu moves upward ...